Monthly Update #4 | Feburary – Winter 2017 Anime, Scheduling, and Visual Novels

Another month, another monthly update! 

Well, the current anime season will soon hit the midway point, which is when I will try to do a brief rundown of the shows I’m following and reviewing. So look forward to that! Or don’t. Who am I to tell you what to do?

Speaking of currently airing anime, I sat down and got distracted during work typed out my current schedule, which looks like this:


So on Tuesdays and Thursdays I don’t have any shows to review (but some shows do happen to come out on those days!), which means I’m usually catching up on other people’s blog posts on those days.

The weekend has me reviewing mostly inferior shows (and Sunday has me doing only these low-effort episode “reviews” of Nyanko Days ever since I dropped Idol Jihen from episode reviews…

“Stop blubbering around and get to the point,” screams an imaginary fan.

“Well, I was just getting to that,” I snap as I futilely try to wipe off the rotten tomato that is currently splattered all over my shirt.

The bottom line is: my schedule is rather open. I could really stand to add in a few more posts every week. Which brings me to my next point – a lot of the people who have nominated me for blog awards mentioned my weekly “What About” feature even though I haven’t done this in months. Right now seems like a good time to bring this back. No, it’s not because I’m giving up on posts that I had trouble fleshing out so they’re getting shoved into a light weekly feature. Perish the thought.

On Sundays I’ll try to post about Saki, but I don’t think I can be consistent with those. It’ll come and go like my savings in my bank account.

So on Tuesdays and Thursdays I guess I can work on posts, catch on other people’s blogs, binge-watch shows, and play visual novels (which I will be trying to catch up on starting from next week). Yes, the “What About” feature is going to return to being on Wednesdays because my crippling desire for alliteration will not budge.

Oh, and a special post is coming out on Monday! Look forward to it! It’s for the sake of a bird! A bird that is emblematic! A fowl which represents a worthy cause and many people! I’ll stop hyping it up so I avoid disappointing you all when I fail to meet your expectations!

That’s all, folks. Ta-ta for now!

6 thoughts on “Monthly Update #4 | Feburary – Winter 2017 Anime, Scheduling, and Visual Novels

  1. Yay, it’s coming back! I enjoyed reading those posts of yours so I’m really looking forward to them 🙂
    Also, you’re so organized… How do you do it?? I honestly don’t remember the last time I’ve made a schedule for anything. It’s great that you’re doing it though, because blogging can get pretty hectic otherwise xD
    I’m keeping my expectations at a medium for Monday, so that you have nothing to complain about hahaha See you then!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad to hear (er, read) that you like them! I’ll try my best!

      I’m a messsss. That’s what the schedule should technically be, but I’ve been doing Friday’s and Saturday’s episode reviews all on Saturday recently, haha.
      Schedules tie you dowwwwn so stay free, Sophie! You’re definitely right about blogging becoming hectic, though!

      Fair enough! Awww I wouldn’t complain about something like that! See you theeeen!


  2. Alliteration is always good *nods wisely*

    I don’t think you’ve posted What About feature since I started following you but I read some of them all the same. So definitely looking forward to those.


  3. “Stop blubbering around and get to the point,” screams an imaginary fan.


    Fan with Prattle

    Screams with quitetly mumbles

    And the rest with “please take your time Remy”.

    Oh replace the tomato thrown at you with a hug.

    Liked by 1 person

I-it's not like I want you to leave a comment or anything. B-baka.