To blog is to accept transience

Given that blog posts can remain so long as the domain stays alive and / or the writer feels fine about keeping said content up for all to see, it seems strange to say that blogging in a way embodies transience.

But think about how the bloggers themselves feel or behave. Some bloggers don’t give published posts a second thought aside from a last glance to see if they’ve erred on spelling. Meanwhile, there are other bloggers who revisit their old posts for various reasons, such as seeing exactly where they’ve lost sight of their goals (including yours truly). But even then, said bloggers might be looking for inspiration or guidance for upcoming blog posts in doing so.

What I’m trying to say is that all most bloggers look forward to the future, including those who reminiscence or revisit the past. Until we’re fed up with honing our craft or saying our fill, we’re always pondering on what we’re gonna say next.

Admittedly, we all have different approaches regarding our optimism directed towards the time ahead. Some will schedule many posts in advance, others will rely on inspiration and hit publish as soon as they’re done mashing the keyboard. And of course some simply choose not to speak (i.e. post) unless they have something to say or feel like they have to say something.

Be that as it may, it’s more or less expected that the blogger will return, that the most recently published post is not their last.

That is, of course, assuming their feelings or circumstances don’t change. And unfortunately, that will happen. There are bloggers who find themselves busy with work, with school, with family. They lose heart after having it broken, after seeing others succeed while they aren’t hitting the numbers they want to achieve, after wondering if anything they write is worth anything. In other words, some bloggers really do disappear and will vanish with nary a trace.

Finally, some readers similarly go poof into the night (or day). They lose interest in your content or respect in your person and simply stop stopping by or reading what you’re writing. Or some will tune out and simply like your posts without really taking the effort to understand what you’re publishing. It’s not like these readers aren’t around. Some of them are fellow bloggers, after all. You see them liking and commenting on other posts. They just won’t do that for yours anymore.

So really, don’t count on these fairweather friends. At the end of the day / night, you should be writing for you. Even with all of these blogging editorials around saying you should write for your audience, you should be making yourself happy first and foremost.

I mean, yeah, give your readers some professional (or personal – depends on your tone and style) courtesies and pay attention to formatting. No one has the patience for fat Tetris rectangle paragraphs these days. Throw in a picture or two if you can be bothered. Obviously engage with your audience even though they might turn tail on you eventually.

Still, art is fleeting. That includes blogging.

22 thoughts on “To blog is to accept transience

  1. When I first started my kpop blog, log time ago, i really enjoyed it. I liked what I was talking about, but it eventually feel like it was become more like a job than a hobby and I lost interest in it, but not it korean music or anything related to it (I post korean related stuff on my anime blog after all).
    Since I really don’t want to make the same mistake with me present blog, I don’t really look at my stats, of course it makes me happy when I pass the bar of 100 views a day, but I don’t stop to that and don’t get disappointed if I don’t reach it the next days.
    I mostly write to share my thought on what I like, people might be interested or not I know, but what’s matter to me is that I enjoyed the process of writing the post.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Bloggers, muself included, are all egotistical exhibitional narcisists. But I mean that in a good and positive way!

    We believe we have something useful to say, important enough to put in all that effort. We thrive on all the views and likes and comments it produces. We think we say it well enough for it to be interesting and that makes US interesting.

    I NEVER stop correcting grammar and spelling in old posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Admittedly, the downsides of being such an egotistical exhibitional narcissist strikes me hard sometimes, but you’re right in saying there’s merit in what we do! Thank you so much.

      Mmmm I know that feeling.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. People come, people go. Even so I keep going. I am quite fortunate to have loyal fans who have stuck around since Day 1. Some of them have left, sure, but those who have stayed and new ones help keep me going.

    I have said this on a few occasions. The day I retire is when:
    1: I can no longer type.
    2: I get 0 visitors in the course of a week.

    I am not the deepest of bloggers but even so I love talking about yuri, I love my “job” and so people still enjoy my work. That’s all the motivation I need.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. It’s sad when a blog you love stops posting and it can be very demoralizing when a faithful reader choses to read other blogs instead but the way I see it, every day is a chance to discover a great new blog or for a new reader to discover yours and actually connect with your thoughts.
    Sharing isn’t a waste even if it’s temporary.
    I can’t imagine you losing readers though.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. I completely agree. Oftentimes I see people become obsessed with stats, or how much views a post are getting or other stuff like that. While of course you blog to reach an audience (well if no one ever reads your posts, it would become very boring very fast) the most important thing is to have fun while blogging. And what better way to do that by writing about things that you really like to write about. I think you have pretty much hit the nail on the head with this post Remy: really great this one! 😊

    Liked by 3 people

  6. “Write for yourself” is probably the best advice any blogger can pay heed to. You’ll have the most fun that way… and you’ll almost certainly attract the kind of audience you want, since you more than likely want to bring in people who feel similarly to you about things, or at the very least have similar tastes. (I know, I know, something something echo chamber… but with the way people “disagree” on the Internet these days I think I’d rather have an echo chamber than have some idiot yelling at me about how “wrong” I am in their eyes, to be honest!)

    My site is as much for me to look back on the experiences I’ve enjoyed as it is to highlight them for other people. I’ve made a point of never losing sight of that, and it’s the main thing that keeps me going. I’m sure plenty of other people in this community handle things in much the same way. Having people engage with and talk about the things we love is a happy bonus.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Good point about the echo chamber isn’t the worst outcome given the alternatives. Life on the netto is difficult these days.

      Mmm that is a wonderful source of motivation and you’re surely right about others feeling the same way! Your site really does a great job chronicling your journey which is awesome!

      Liked by 1 person

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